If you make a significant investment in the stock market or other investable opportunities, the one thing you can be assured of is that it will continue to go up and down in value. You can count on 401k plans and others to go up and down in value based on economic conditions and market volatility. While investment values can be uncertain, the one investment that will generate a guaranteed return is a new high-efficiency heating and cooling system. A new AC system could consistently save you money and could be the most reliable investment you can make.
Some people might have difficulty seeing a high efficiency AC system as an investment. The reality, however, is that a high-efficiency heating and cooling system could cost as little as $3500 to $4000 and could save you as much as 40% on energy bills. This is a substantial investment return. Additionally, once the new high-efficiency system pays for itself, the savings will be even larger. Let’s take a look at why your AC system is an investment.
Long-Term Savings
Today, many homeowners believe that as long as the furnace and ac system continues to put out air, they should run it until it quits. While it’s true that an older system can last a while, it doesn’t mean that it should. According to experts, an HVAC unit can last on average 10 to 15 years. As the HVAC system ages, however, it can become less efficient and cause increased energy bills. While all of us would rather spend money on something else we want or need, buying a new air conditioning unit could be what you need.
When it comes to an HVAC system and appliances in general, we usually make the mistake of paying for multiple repairs instead of purchasing a new one. As a result, we end up spending more money. When you couple that with the high energy consumption of older units, investing in a new high-efficiency HVAC system makes sense. The most efficient system on the market today has a U.S. Department of Energy Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) that is higher than 16. This means that these units are running at maximum efficiency. While you may pay upfront for the equipment, it will save you the most money in the long run.
Improved Air Quality
Many of the high-efficiency units today also come equipped with air-purifying filtration systems. These systems clean the air of dust, dirt particles, allergens, and other bacteria. Cleaner air produced by these units benefits those who suffer from allergies or respiratory problems. They also maintain low humidity levels and help keep your house well ventilated. Improved air quality and ventilation is an important factor to consider when investing in a high-efficiency HVAC system.
Reduced Noise
As a furnace or air conditioner ages, it begins to sound like a freight train. Older models begin to wear out, and the moving parts can become damaged. This will lead to a unit that will get progressively louder. Additionally, a noisy unit could also indicate that you have an inadequately sized duct system for the amount of air is circulating. If your unit is especially loud, it could signal an issue with the indoor coil of your cooling system. Whatever the reason, investing in a new high-efficiency system could significantly reduce the noise. This would be an investment in a new system and quiet year-round.
It’s hard to find an investment that can offer an easy return of up to 40%. A high-efficiency HVAC system can offer you just that, however. The long term-savings potential on energy bills is proof of why your AC system is a good investment. Aside from the financial benefits, though, an investment in a high-efficiency system could also bring about improved air quality and reduced noise. The market is full of quality systems today. Doing some research and comparing that with the needs of your home will help you make a wise investment in a new system.